Multicore/Manycore RTOS
Multicore hardware is the critical enabler for today’s cutting-edge embedded applications. Semiconductor technologies have reached the limit of frequency scaling and multicore is essential to meet performance demands within constraints such as power and size.
While CPU clusters containing eight cores or more are regarded as manycore architectures, chips with up to 256 cores are already available. Only eSOL can provide a safety certified RTOS optimized for such hardware.

Software Parallelization
On multi/manycore hardware, software must be parallelized to the existing number of cores. Here is the important Amdahl's law to be applied. In a nutshell: the lower the parallel portion of an application, the lower its performance. And this relationship is nonlinear. Even small dependencies and blockades strongly reduce the speed of the entire application. eMCOS® multikernel technology improves parallelism and thus the system performance of your multi/manycore applications.
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Multikernel vs Microkernel
Traditional microkernel RTOS products date back to the single-core era and have added dual-core and subsequently rudimentary multicore support. Only a modern multikernel RTOS like eMCOS eliminates contention points like global kernel locks or malloc locks. eMCOS thus unleashes higher performance in addition to faster and true software FFI.
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POSIX Standard
The beauty of a POSIX-compliant RTOS like eMCOS is that developers do not have to deal with the underlying complex technology. They can use familiar POSIX APIs in the same way as with a traditional OS like Linux or other widely used POSIX-based RTOS products. This also ensures easy reuse of already available code.
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